New blog post, wearable art pop-ups, renegade conversations and new artwork in progress. Events and more.
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Heart Notes: Artist dates?
Welcome to May! When is
the last time you went on an artist date? Read more about why I think everyone (even if they don't consider themselves an artist) should go on an artist date in this new blog post An artist date? Tell me more! Hit reply to this post and tell me about your favourite artist date!

Wearable art pop-ups!
If you are in the Maritimes and would like to see some of my wearable art fashions in person, I have two pop-ups coming up in June. See the calendar below for details. I love that each piece is made to order in Canada by local women in Montreal. This slow fashion means minimal waste and local production!

And if you can't be in the neighbourhood, here's the link to order online. Have a look and let me know what you think!

Renegade Conversations
Renegade Conversation, Season Two, Episode 12 with musician and music educator Cynthia Kinnunen will be released on Friday. You won't want to miss this wide ranging and insightful conversation about women in midlife, and the role of music in forming a new identity and sense of purpose at this life stage. Discover how Cynthia's life is like a birch tree and hear her advice for women wanting to embrace more of their inner wild selves.

You can access Renegade Conversations here.
Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel . (You will be notified each time a new episode launches, plus it would really help me in my efforts to attract sponsors :).)

Check out my latest Artworks in progress below. I hope you like them!

Keep reading for Upcoming Classes and Events and more.
Sometimes the best way to get inspired is to try something new! Last week I had an artist date with Tzigane of Tzindigo learning a bit about overdyeing with Indigo. I think I may be hooked!
Stay well and keep looking for those moments of joy. Thanks for reading and connecting. It means the world to me.


Meryl headshot
Meryl Cook Engagement by Design
artist, author, speaker and facilitator.
"Colour, texture, joy and self compassion"
are the core principles of my business and life. Helping you to find your joy and be wild with purpose.
Upcoming Classes & Events

Booking now for 2024/2025
Spots available for speaking, workshop and team building facilitation and custom designs for your conference or organization (in person or virtual). Limited spots to work with me one to one over Zoom also available.

Stories are Made Loop by Loop, a travelling exhibit, curated by Susan Feller. Artists in this exhibit are Domenica Zara Queen, West Virginia, Cheryl Bollenbach, Tennessee, Terri Todd, Virginia, Karen Miller, Ontario, Canada, Meryl Cook, Nova Scotia, Canada, Mary Tayliegh Lopez, British Columbia, Canada and Elizabeth Miller, Maine. This exhibit will be at the following locations:
July 12 - October 7, 2023 -
Virginia Quilt Museum
March to June 2024 - Juliet Art Museum at Clay Center for the Arts & Sciences

July 5 - September 11, 2024
- The Dairy Barn Art Center
September - December, 2024 - Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center

Link to the Stories are Made Loop by Loop catalogue.

June 13, 12 to 2pm - Pop-up at Halifax Convention Centre

I will be onsite with a selection of my artwork, as well as my books, notecards and selected wearable art clothing. Hope to see you there!

June 16 - Journaling for Design and Creativity
1 to 4pm at Sisterhood Fibres in Truro, Nova Scotia. This is a private event for a fibre arts tour organized by Battenkill Fibers.

June 21, 12 to 5pm - Pop-up at Forage Boutique in Downtown Truro
6 Havelock St., Truro, NS 902-441-7064
I will be at Forage Boutique with my new wearable art clothing, as well as a selection of my fibre art, books and notecards. Drop by to say hello!

September 20 - October 02
TIGHR Triennial Conference
I'll be attending this international conference in Niagara Falls, Ontario. I've been invited to participate in a panel discussion and teach a class.  
October 2, 9-11am
The Therapeutic Benefits of Fibre Art
panel discussion
October 2, 2-5pm
Chakra Colours by Design
Registration opened March 25 for TIGHR members.

Work one to one with me
Are you feeling burnt out and needing to reconnect with joy and a sense of purpose? Perhaps you are blocked and needing help to get in the flow again. Need help in creating a design that expresses your inner self? I help you discover the steps to find your joy and access your creative soul. Book your
Individual Connection Session today. Packages of three sessions with me are also available.

Creating Space

Creating Space
You want to make time to create, a space to feel and think. You want to use your art and creativity (journaling, sketching) to find a sense of purpose and express your inner self. Sign up for this FREE resource today.
For more information and to register today.

Please share with kindred spirits!

Artwork in Progress

I got inspired by a photo I took of a sculpture detail on a run/artist date with myself in Saint John, New Brunswick recently. There's something about the shapes in this photo that are calling me. My plan is to incorporate the shape into a field/greenery design.

If you would like to own one of my fibre art creations, take a look at my gallery or contact me. Custom designs also available.
Extravagant (detail)
A new design in the making, inspired by this photo of the sculpture detail.
shop art
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Meryl Cook, Harbour Drive, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 3N8, Canada

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